Tuesday, March 18, 2008

some days flow

When the chicken is roasting, the kale in the steamer pot and the potatoes are ready to be mashed, the whole family can take a pre-dinner river walk. Ahhh...the days when the rhythm is smooth, the walk is a dance. (And even "my bear" makes the trip.)

And there you have today's meal idea. Chicken this time was a huge onion and two carrots and garlic sauteed, red wine added, chicken added and baked for about 15 minutes at 450. Then covered at 350 for an hour, then turned down to 300 when we left for walk and the lid taken off to brown. Then, after removing the chicken from the pan, and the sauce to a bowl, making a quick roux of 2 tablespoons of butter and 3 of flour and stirring in the sauce to make what we called "smother sauce." Yum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who's the hunk in the red hat?